Friday, December 30, 2016

#strength #nomadsnonsense #thatishowsomepeoplesayit #spelling #spellingfail 

#nomadsnonsense #thv11 #thv #manymuch #much #many #kthv #littlerock #littlerockpolice 

One good thing to come out of this miserable loss is this error someone sent me. #nomadsnonsense #tiedtide #tide #tied #apsports #stevereed #bielema #arkansasrazorbacks 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

#nomadsnonsense #bbc #grammar #misplacedprepositionalphrase

Hopefully, the apostrophe division of the grammar police is coming to get rid of that incorrect apostrophe. #nomadsnonsense #apostrophe 


They're sequins. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Thanks to @maddog_millah99 for sharing this one. Patience is a noun. Patient is an adjective unless it's a noun describing a person receiving medical care. Patients means more than one person receiving medical care. Here's a site with lots more explanation: 

#nomadsnonsense #patience #patients #patiencevspatients 

Saturday, December 03, 2016

As written, this means that donations will not be taken until noon. #acceptexcept #nomadsnonsense #grammar

No apostrophe needed to mean that there is more than one camera. #academy #apostrophe #nomadsnonsense