Saturday, October 24, 2009

Benton Flea Market Billboard

For several weeks, I have been planning to take a picture of these billboards. The mistake I was planning to expose is the word "crossover." It seems to me that when used as a verb and a preposition, it should be written "cross over." When used to identify the class of automobiles known as a cross between a car and an SUV, "crossover" should be used since it is a noun.
Trying to guess what the mistake is in the sign, my daughter pointed out that the apostrophe in "SUNDAY'S" isn't supposed to be there. Her reasoning was based on the fact that there are no apostrophes in the other days of the week on the sign. Chip off the old block. ;)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cage Fighting

This is an advertisement I found on If there is only one Benton Panther, this is correct. Because there are many Panthers, this title should be "Benton Panthers' Fight Night." I suppose that "Benton Panther Fight Night" could also be correct.