Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Singular/plural Disagreement

"The driver" is singular, and "they" is plural. Instead of "they," the writer should have used he. Additionally, several compound sentences are missing a comma before the coordinating conjunction. 


This is quite confusing. Who died? Who was on the porch? Is that a picture of the victim or the accused? (I'm assuming it is a photo of the accused.)

Humane is Not Human

I think the pets are under the care of the HumanE Society of the United States. 

Hideous Headline

No apostrophe needed. 

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Magic Springs Promotion

My dear daughter was not only excited about possibly getting to use this promotion to go to Magic Springs, but also she was delighted to show me the mistakes she found: 
1.  According to the calendar, the 11th of August is followed by the 15th. 
2.  The word "ticekt" should be ticket. 

Friday, August 02, 2013

Their and They're: There's a Difference

Since she means they are finished, this should read as follows: "After they are finished."