Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Split Infinitives

I concede that split infinitives sometimes are acceptable. This is not one of those instances. #nomadsnonsense #splitinfinitive 

Misplaced Modifier

This headline seems to indicate that this man killed his wife while they were both in prison. The article reveals that the man went to jail because he killed his wife. This is a great example of a misplaced modifier. #nomadsnonsense #grammarfails #grammarfail 
He has GIVEN, and Molly HELPS. #nomadsnonsense 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Do Due

Thanks to one of Nomadsnonsense's most faithful readers for this find at his workplace. #nomadsnonsense #spellingfail #grammarfail #grammarfails 

To a "T"

Following the instructions "to a 'T'" must have taken a "T" from the headline. #nomadsnonsense #grammarfail #grammarfails #spellingfail #hottrends 
It appears this post had already been edited at least once. #nomadsnonsense #BentonARNews #grammarfail 

Nauseated and Nauseous

Nauseous and nauseated are not interchangeable. If he is nauseous, he makes others sick. If he is nauseated, he is sick. #nomadsnonsense #nauseousnauseated #grammarfail #grammarfails 

Safely Searching

Using "safely" indicates that the people who were searching for the woman were safe. Either reword the sentence or use the word "safe."  #nomadsnonsense #grammarfail 

Hear, Here

They're probably glad you are HERE, too. #nomadsnonsense 

Principle and Principal

Remember, kids, the princiPAL is your pal. #nomadsnonsense #grammarfail #spellingfail 

Bear and Bare

Since this article is not about the officer taking off clothes to reveal his scars and the article details that the officer carries these scars with him, the correct spelling is bears. #nomadsnonsense #grammarfails #grammarfail #grammar 


The headline was almost finished. #nomadsnonsense 

Spelling Inconvenience

Pizza Hut should also be sorry for the misspelling of inconvenience. #nomadsnonsense #spellingfail #pizzahut 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Quotation Mark Abuse

Quotation marks do not add emphasis. They punctuate some titles. They show irony. They denote words that are spoken. #nomadsnonsense #quotationmarks #grammarfail #grammarfails 

No Comma Before Because

No comma is needed before a dependent clause. #nomadsnonsense #grammarfail #grammarfails #grammar #comma #commas 

What's an Only?

I'm not sure what an "only" is, but whatever it is, an employee owns it. Seriously though, the apostrophe is unnecessary because the intention of the sign maker is to say that employees only may use this door.  #grammarfails #grammarfail #grammar #nomadsnonsense #apostrophe #apostropheerror 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Is and Are

I noticed that a few days after I saw this post that the words were changed to read, "What ARE Your Most Used Words on Facebook?"
#nomadsnonsense #grammar #grammarfail #grammarfails #subjectverbagreement