Sunday, September 20, 2015 Subject/verb Agreement

There are two subjects. Because of this compound subject, the proper verb is "go" rather than "goes."
#kthv #kthv11  #nomadsnonsense #subjectverb #grammarfail #kthv 

Two, To, Too

This sign should read, "Too Hot To Cook." Abigail found this one in Salem, Arkansas. #nomadsnonsense #grammarfail #pizzapro #totootwo #twotooto 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Nauseous vs. Nauseated

If the man "got nauseous," he was making other people sick. Likely, he was the one who was sick. That means he was nauseated. #grammarfail #nomadsnonsense #nauseatedvsnauseous #

Friday, September 04, 2015

Sugar and Spice

1. A comma should precede the coordinating conjunction "but" since it is connecting two independent clauses. 2. The "i" in "I'm" should be capitalized. 3. There is a plural/compound subject; therefore, the verb should be the word are not the word is. 4. A comma isn't enough glue to put two independent clauses together. This comma should be a period or semicolon. 5. "Because" should not be capitalized. #nomadsnonsense #grammarfails

Less Than vs. Fewer Than

If you can count something, you should use the word fewer. Since we can count years, the circled word should be fewer not less. #nomadsnonsense #grammarfails #lessandfewer #cnn