Friday, February 02, 2007

There are so very many things wrong with this letter to the editor. Before pointing out the problems, I would like to spend a few minutes on my soapbox. This is a prime example of why education, specifically English class, is so important. I cannot count the number of times students told me that English was never going to benefit them. I even had one parent say that her son was not going to need my class (She said he was going to play for the NFL.), so it did not matter whether or not he passed my class. I should stop bothering her with notes about his failure to complete homework or pass tests, she said. Having a good command of English benefits everyone, both the writer and reader. :)

This is quite comical, actually. I especially like the glimpse into the life of this young man's arguments with his family regarding his changing oil on the sidewalk.

In the first line of the letter "be" should be "are." "Beat up" should be "beaten up," or better yet, replace it with a more suitable word. In the second line "to do with" should be reworded. The last sentence in the first paragraph is painful to read. The use of "ain't" and the double negative are the most glaring mistakes. The second paragraph contains the unnecessary use of "out."

There are other issues with this letter, but I can bear it no more.

I imagine this was written in pencil on a piece of memo pad paper. The graphite was probably smudged.

I guess science was probably not a strong point for this guy either. Maybe he just skipped the unit on the benefits of trees.


  1. lol! It's been too long since I read your blog. Seems people still can't spell. Though I try to be much more careful now when I write to you! :) Thanks for the laughs!

  2. There are no words......
