This sign and the following 2 signs are posted side-by-side in the work area at the Christian supply store Mardel in Little Rock, Arkansas. Proper spelling for the 2 misspelled words in this sign is c-o-n-f-e-r-e-n-c-e and a-v-a-i-l-a-b-l-e. (Let's have a conference about the availability of spell checking on the company computer and good old-fashioned use of a dictionary.) THIS SIGN IS MADE EVEN MORE ANNOYING BY THE USE OF ALL CAPS. TURN OFF THE CAPS LOCK, PLEASE.
FYI, it is ok to type signs for store usage with all capital letters. No one is yelling at you.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I am an employee of "M" and find your posts sad, but funny! (not in Arkansas, though... hehe)