Tuesday, July 24, 2018

GQ Magazine Bible

Add or Subtract

North Little Rock Parks and Recreation Grammar Fails


Huh? Headline


Try To

Cake Failure

Cleanliness, Hygiene, and Grammar Failure

Unclear Antedent and S/V Agreement

"They" has an unclear antecedent. Who misused information? The second error is an error in subject-verb agreement. 

Honeymoon Island


Perhaps they know no proofreader.

Florida Tour


Vending Errors

What are machine troubles?

Two Sides, Many Errors

Ad Error

Distress Signal

What about quotation mark errors? Do they indicate distress?

Spelling at the ATM

American Eagle

American Eagle needs a proofreader.

Arkansas DMV

Arkansas DMV needs a proofreader and more workers.


Adverbs -ly

Popping Storms

I get an image of clouds popping like popcorn in the sky.


Do not capitalize the name of a season.


First Steps

Unfortunately, the first step was not proofreading. 

Dirt Daubers


Commas and Apostrophes

The comma before "but" is wrong. When but is used to join two independent clauses, the comma is needed. In this instance, "but" is connecting two verbs, not two independent clauses/sentences. The second error is the age-old its/it's mistake.

Pronoun-Antecedent Disagreement

The word they is plural. "They" is replacing (standing for, referring to) the word boss. Boss is singular. These do not agree in number.

It is not correct grammar week, it seems.

Handmade Signs

Apple Imposter

Thank you to the crooks who make it obvious that they are fradulent.

Spelling Battle

No Subject in Prepositional Phrase

The subject of a verb will NEVER be in a prepositional phrase. Knowing this is quite helpful. 

Comma Error

It is ALWAYS better to use commas correctly.

Singular Possessive

Oh My!


Plural Possesive

Anyone or Any One

Grammarist clarifies the issue of anyone and any one as follows: Anyone is a pronoun that indicates any person. It is used when there are no qualifications to the grouping. Something could belong to anyone if there are no distinguishing marks or unique factors.
Unlike anytime and anymore, anyone is not simply an adverb form of any one and they are not interchangeable outside of the United States.
Any one is a term that means any single object or person. It is generally not listed in dictionaries except perhaps to distinguish the differences with anyone.

Armoire or Arm Wall

An armoire is a wardrobe or movable cabinet. Just use your imagination when defining an arm wall.

Pronoun Agreement

The word everyone is singular. This seems counter-intuitive to many people because everyone seems like a large group. One way to think of this is every-one-at-a-time. Pronouns that contain the word one are singular. The pronouns they and their are plural. Since the plural pronouns refer to a singular pronoun, this is an error. They do not agree in number. The random comma is an error.


Don't be redundant and repeat yourself.


Burglars and Bugles


But, you do not know commas. That's a problem.

Random Capitalization and No Periods

There should be a period following the ellipse, and the circled letters should not be capitalized. The second sentence should end with a period.


I wouldn't put the apostrophe there.