Sunday, April 30, 2017


This is correct. It seems odd to me, though. #nomadsnonsense #areal #nationalweatherservice #flashflood 


Saturday, April 08, 2017

They are murdering the spelling at least. #nomadsnonsense #spelling #comedy #comedymurder 


Apostrophe error and super apostrophe error! Nachos are delicious. The nacho's flavor is appealing. #nomadsnonsense #hotsprings #hotspringsconventioncenter #nachos #apostrophe #apostrophes #grammar 

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Being that Bryant is such a growing city, I would expect them to hire a proofreader for their chamber of commerce's glossy publication. Many experts allow split infinitives when they are necessary. In this case, "both" is not needed.  #nomadsnonsense #bryantchamberofcommerce 

Devein shrimp. Defang snakes. #devein #defang #thv11 #kthv #nomadsnonsense #editors