Saturday, February 11, 2017

The subject "risk" should have the verb "is" instead of "are."

#nomadsnonsense #unreliable #fakescience #subjectverbagreement #fever 

#nomadsnonsense #ownon #motherofthebride #gifterror 

Friday, February 10, 2017

You can create snarky memes and use correct grammar. #nomadsnonsense #comparative #morekind #kinder #memeerrors 

#nomadsnonsense #millage #bentoncourier #salinecourier 


Lots? That's so specific, so informative. #nomadsnonsense #lots #fox16 #fox16news 

If you can count it (students, in this case), then you should use the word fewer. If you cannot count something (water or potato salad), then use the word less. #nomadsnonsense #lessfewer #fewerless #kark #kark4