Saturday, March 26, 2016


Since the author of this sign means that there are multiple pansies rather than that the pansy owns something, "pansy's" should be "pansies." #nomadsnonsense #plurals #possessives #apostropheerror #apostrophe 


It's Auburn. #nomadsnonsense #spellingfail #fox16 #fox16news 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Organic Is the Word

Step In #2

I don't see a grammar error. I do see an error with diction. Perhaps there's a language barrier that keeps the owner from understanding the connotation. This one is in Texarkana. Thanks, Amber 
#nomadsnonsense #wrongword 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Long Gestation

This construction sounds as if this woman gave birth to a two-year-old, which would make this woman even more amazing. 
#nomadsnonsense #diction                            

Leave the Infinitives Alone

I'm a firm believer in the benefits of using a Neti pot. I am not impressed with using a colon in the middle of an infinitive. Nothing should come between the two words of an infinitive. #grammar #nomadsnonsense #punctuation #infinitive 


The first error is an error relating to verb mood. The verb is subjunctive. It depends upon the condition being fulfilled. It's a possibility. The correct helping verb is "would."  Even the grammar experts disagree on the issue of conditional and subjunctive. Here's a link to one of the clearest explanations I've found.

The second error is a subject/verb agreement error. #nomadsnonsense #subjunctive #grammarfail #subjectverbagreement #grammar  #brainfall #conditional

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Less and Fewer

The first correction is stylistic. When writing about something that can be counted, use fewer. When writing about something that cannot be counted, use less. 1. My glass contained less water than your glass. 2. I brought fewer bottles of water on the hike than you did.  #nomadsnonsense #lessandfewer #less #fewer #cbcmustangs #grammar #grammarfail 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


This is redundant and improperly capitalized. Since restoring means to bring it back to its original state, saying "Restoring...back" is redundant. Also, "back" should be capitalized. #nomadsnonsense #redundant #dontberedundantandrepeatyourself #gofundme #gofundmeerror 

Cheap Pizza

Cheap pizza at Big Red! Let me know if you truly can get a slice of pizza for less than a penny. #nomadsnonsense #bigred #cheappizza 

Exhaust vs. Exaust

Hmmmm!?! #nomadsnonsense #exhausted #exhaust #exaust #spellingfail 

The Subject-Verb Agreement Has Me Down

Since there are two subjects in this sentence (donkey and elephant), "has" is not the correct verb. One has. Two have. This is also a run-on sentence. There should be a question mark after "down"? #nomadsnonsense #subjectverbagreement #locustgrovear

Monday, March 21, 2016

Easy Essay

I've read essays that were so bad that I have wanted to create a bonfire with them, but I bet "essay" is supposed to be "easy." Thanks to @paperbirdxiv  for this one. #nomadsnonsense #kroger 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Subject/verb Agreement

When the subject of a sentence contains two or more simple subjects joined by the word OR, one should make the verb agree with the simple subject nearer the verb. In this case, the simple subject nearer the verb is EMPLOYEE. It is correct to say EMPLOYEE IS.  #grammar #subjectverbagreement 


It's t-h-i-e-f. #nomadsnonsense #spellingfail 


Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Has anyone seen this use of "thieve(s)"? Perhaps thief/thieves or thief or thieves would work better. 
The subject cannot be in a prepositional phrase.  


Pediatricians, not pediatrians, are concerned about DHS. #nomadsnonsense #spellingfail #katv #pediatricians #pediatrians 

Where's the Subject?

A common error is making a verb agree with the object of a prepositional phrase that comes between the subject and verb. The subject of a sentence will not be in a prepositional phrase. #nomadsnonsense #subjectverbagreement 

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Choise vs Choice

My husband found these errors in Altheimer, Arkansas. The most glaring error to me is "Choise" instead of choice. Potatoes are mashed rather than just "mash."  BBQ shouldn't be hyphenated. #spellingfail #nomadsnonsense 

Saturday, March 05, 2016


Oh, Zaxby's, these apostrophes are wrong. These lids don't own anything. You only mean to show that multiple lids are here. #zaxbysconway #nomadsnonsense #nomadsnonsense #apostropheerror #apostrophe #grammarfail #zaxbys