Friday, October 09, 2015


Since the kindergartener owns the backpack, there should be an apostrophe: kindergartener's. #nomadsnonsense  #grammarfail  #grammarfails  

Dive-thru Arby's

Drive-thru? #nomadsnonsense #grammarfails #spelling 

Arkansas State Fair

There are so many things wrong with this, but I'll limit myself to the error in grammar. It's CHOCOLATE.  #nomadsnonsense #grammarfail #grammarfails #arkansasstatefair

Peculiar, Missouri

I took this one on the sly. I'm sorry it's off center. Still, several errors are visible. 1. Unnecessary quotation marks litter the sign when none are needed. 2. One of the unnecessary opening quotation marks is followed by a space. 3. "Mercandise" should be MERCHANDISE.  This sign is located in Country Mart in Peculiar, Missouri. #country mart #nomadsnonsense #quotationmarks #mercandise #spellingerror #grammarfail #grammarfails


That's an "l" instead of an "i" in the words "Blkers." Since the sign is addressed to bikers, there should be a comma before "bikers" to set it aside as a noun of direct address. Why are there quotation marks around the restaurant's name? #nomadsnonsense #grammarfail  #grammarfails #directaddresscomma #directaddress #hotsprings

Misplaced Prepositional Phrase

This is a classic case of a misplaced prepositional phrase. Mom wasn't drinking during the traffic stop. The child tattled during the traffic stop; therefore, "during the traffic stop" should have been after "police." #nomadsnonsense #misplacedmodifiers #kthv #thv11 #thv