Monday, May 25, 2015

Weights and Waits

I've read the article. I don't see the pun. I think the headline's use of "Waits" instead of Weights is an error. 


This sign is displayed in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Old-school diagramming helps with understanding this sentence. 
Diagramming purists will find errors with my diagramming form. I beg for mercy since I didn't learn diagramming until college. 
When working with questions, I find it easier to transpose them into declarative sentences. In this case, you will choose to be who. The subject is you. The verb is will choose. You will choose what? The answer is the direct object to be.  To be is a verbal. This means that while it is not a verb, it has qualities of a verb. One of those qualities is that it can have a direct object of its own. Ask, "to be what?" in order to find the direct object. One needs an objective pronoun to fill the position of direct object. The pronoun who is a subject pronoun. The pronoun whom is an object pronoun. Whom is the correct choice here. I do agree that whom would sound pretentious. The Arkansas School for Math and Science should embrace pretentious. 


They're still putting on the finishing touches, but the detention center off Albert Pike Road in Hot Springs is almost finished. 

Capitalize I

What is the reason you don't use the shift key to capitalize I?

Subject/verb Agreement

The subject of the first sentence is family. The subject is not children. The verb should be is. The other error is an unnecessary comma. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

AK for Alaska. AR for Arkansas.

This isn't an error in grammar. AK is the postal abbreviation for Alaska. AR is the abbreviation for Arkansas. This was sent out in Arkansas. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

Fountain of Fountian

Well, they got it right once! This one is on Lawson Road in Little Rock. 

Killing Apostrophes and Jesus Impersonator

"Subway" should be capitalized. "Killing's" needs no apostrophe. A word has been left out. Why is a guy dressed like Jesus wearing a cape and pushing a shopping cart associated with this story?