Friday, August 24, 2012

Another misplaced prepositional phrase makes for a humorous mental picture. Just imagine the mosquitoes wearing protective clothing. :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The first security suggestion contains the misspelled words Blackberry apps. The last suggestion not only uses the wrong your/you're,  but also fails to punctuate you're correctly. This was posted by Lifelock.
The apostrophe in Tech's is wrong. The techs do not  possess anything according to this sign. The plural is needed, not the possessive.

The words "that was unlocked" are misplaced. This sentence means that the area was unlocked. Most likely, it was the car that was unlocked. 

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Once again rises the principle/principal error. When you intend to name the leader of your school, you should remember that the princiPAL is your PAL. 

This should read BROKEN again. 

These bars cost half a penny!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

There are commas missing. I bet there aren't many people who are qualified to use this toilet. 

"Our's" should not have an apostrophe. This from a Wal-Mart store. Thanks to Brianne. 

"Conformation" should be CONFIRMATION. This from Bryant's post office.