Monday, January 31, 2011

Where should I even begin with this one? Wont should be won't. Mallets should be Mallett's, and internet should be capitalized. 

The most obvious mistake is that CANNEL should be CANCEL. The run-on sentence is obnoxious, as well. 

It should read, "All the animals ARE cute."

I was initially drawn to the its/it's mistake, and upon further inspection questioned how one Wal-Mart store can bring that many jobs. 

This is a screen captured from the QRANK app. Notice the split infinitive. The infinitive TO SERVE is split by the word NOT. It should read NOT TO SERVE. 

Excellance?  I hope they teach excellence. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tsk, Tsk!

Thanks, Cody, for allowing me to re-post this one. He found it at a Wal-Mart store. The most glaring mistake is the subject/verb DISagreement. "IS" should be "ARE." It also seems to me that "IN" would be a better pronoun choice than "ON." (Granted, I didn't see the location of the sign or the items.) Upon further reflection, I question whether I could buy all the items in the cart for $3.00 or whether each item would set me back $3.00. (I suspect the latter is the intended meaning.)