Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Has ran" should be "has run." One would have to have memorized a chart of information in order to know this. (Memorization is a bad word, you know.) This is from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. It was written this way in the print edition, too. Thanks to Tracie for this one.

It should be awning.

A student found this error in Riordan's book The Lost Hero. The word "though" should be "through."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The it's in paragraph 2 should be its.

They don't loose firefighters; they lose firefighters. Spellcheck won't catch this. This is from Fox16's website.

Set means to put or place. Sit means to rest or recline. Set is transitive, which means that it must have a direct object. (The subject must be setting something.) This headline should use the word sit.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Have I posted this one before? If so, it deserves repeating. The quotation marks around CAWS are unnecessary. The worst mistake is the unnecessary apostrophe after specialist.

Friday, October 15, 2010

A fellow Augusta High School grad and English teacher alerted me to this sign posted at King Field in Augusta, Arkansas. I think the author of the sign means that they love the Red Devils (minus the apostrophe). The only way the apostrophe is necessary is if they love something owned by the Red Devils.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I found this one in the Otter Creek area of Little Rock. There are two mistakes in this one. Notice the strange abbreviation of Wednesday. Also, AT is the wrong preposition; ON is the more appropriate preposition of the two.

Notice the it's/its confusion.

CalendEr should be calendAr. 

Friday, October 08, 2010

Zaxby's Mistake

Thanks to Sarah for this one. Instead of "His is the best birthday ever," it should be "This is the best birthday ever."  I wonder how many of these were printed.