Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fan's Anyone??

This is horribly off-center because I took it on the sly, hoping not to offend the person who posted this sign and trying not to be detected by the electricians working in the hall. The hateful tone seems to indicate an overworked, underpaid worker. (I was apprehensive about walking close enough to take the picture.) There should be no apostrophe in the word fans. The fans are plural, not possessive. I dared not correct the sign.
On another note, I found the nearby wet floor sign surrounded by strategically-placed monster rolls of toilet paper a curious sight. The placement reminded me of that old Galatica game. (Those readers, if anyone reads this, with Augusta ties will understand that my mind then immediately wandered to old times at Chicken Shack.)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The title of this post reminds me of a cheer from the high school days. "Awsome" is misspelled. It should be, say it with me, A-W-E-S-O-M-E. We found this at Kelly's in Bald Knob. I think it had been at Augusta Days.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Programing vs. Programming

It's a terrible picture, I know. I learned something new today. When I initially saw this sign, I noticed that the word programing was spelled with one m. I thought it was incorrect, but upon checking good ol' Webster's, I found that either spelling is acceptable. The two-m spelling is listed first, though. So, this spelling of programing is correct. Lesson learned. No spelling mistake here. The capitalization is weird.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Toi??? Whom?

The most glaring mistake is the misspelling of the word to (spelled toi here). Also, the last question should read, If a gift, from whom is it? I know that is really stuffy. Nobody really speaks that way. I do believe that eventually whom will go the way of thee and thou.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Imagine my delight when I received this picture from a former student. Thanks, Kristen. This sign is from Wild River Country in Little Rock, Arkansas. "If you loose your tube" should be "If you LOSE your tube." Did I miss any mistakes on the sign? (I did note some unnecessary capitalization, but I will forgive it since signs often do this for emphasis.) I feel like I am the one being tested here, instead of being the one testing. Thanks again, Kristen!!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Potatoe...Dan Quayle lives!

Have I posted this before? It seems familiar. Potato is misspelled in this sign. I am not sure why slaw is not capitalized. All the other main words are capitalized. This one was at Jordan's BBQ in Bryant.