This advertisement is from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. "Every Kroger Associate" is singular, so the appropriate pronoun referring to it would be "his or her" not "their."
I have seen this ad several times in the Tri-Lakes edition of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. It appears that someone from the business made this ad and did not have the newspaper make the ad. Two mistakes glare at me from the page. "Jewerly" should be "jewelry," and "consistantly" should be "consistently."
This decorative Christmas shovel was on display in the lounge. Notice that "Clause" should be "Claus." I wonder how many people bought one of these. I suspect that the shovels were on sale because of the mistake.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
This is a screen captured from the ipod Touch movie/advertisement. It is incorrect to use "funnest." I realize that this was a choice based on style rather than correct grammar. Thanks to some students for alerting me to this ad.